Hi there, a quick weekend message to say hello. I hope you are having a good day!
As I work towards making this newsletter as resourceful as possible, I’d love to know from you:
What is the biggest challenge you face as a working mum?
This email has been posted as a discussion thread so we can share our challenges, and perhaps find some solutions to them together.
Sending you all good vibes for a wonderful weekend ahead.
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What is the biggest challenge you face as a working mum?
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Hi there, a quick weekend message to say hello. I hope you are having a good day!
As I work towards making this newsletter as resourceful as possible, I’d love to know from you:
What is the biggest challenge you face as a working mum?
This email has been posted as a discussion thread so we can share our challenges, and perhaps find some solutions to them together.
Sending you all good vibes for a wonderful weekend ahead.