You are doing so great. That growth of subscribers and the freelance income in just a few months is impressive. Be patient you are building all the right foundation for your goals. It’s great to see.

And the 9min info is really useful. My daughter is a teenager so the first 3 min after she wakes up are the grumpiest of the day 😄 but the other two 3 min are indeed when she is chatty!

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Thanks for your encouragement, Stephanie! Still a long way to go. Will private message you separately for a catch up! x

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Abha Malpani Naismith

Hey Abha,

thanks for sharing your journey.

I steal the 9 minutes of a child's life idea you mentioned. ❤️

Regarding the freedom I'd say in English: "There is no freedom without limitations" You just need to find the freedom of limitations. :)

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It's an oxymoron, but so true. If we can define our boundaries and then embrace them, our freedom could be found within those boundaries. There is no freedom without a sacrifice of sorts, I guess?

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by Abha Malpani Naismith

The subtitle resonates so sharply with me. I felt a shock in my chest when I read it. One of the driving forces away from full time work was the claustrophobic feeling I got whenever anyone started talking about "only 20 more years until I can retire!" I don't get how that is a positive thing.

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Yes, I hear you. It's what society has trained us to believe is the way. I do feel this narrative is changing though, with many realising that they want more from life not just when they retire, but now when they are young, healthy and able.

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