You will never feel like it’s the right time
The Creator Cafe will make it super easy for you to maximize your time
I launched my newsletter just over a year ago, right at the beginning of a busy time at work, my daughter beginning school, my son entering his ‘terrible twos’, and my nanny had just told me she needs to leave.
I launched my email course just before I went on holiday, knowing that it would mean I would need to work on it while on holiday. I didn’t have an issue with that as I’m really enjoying writing, creating, and connecting with some really amazing mums.
I’ve just started learning silks (aerial gymnastics) and am contemplating training for a half marathon as the weather gets better in Dubai.
And, now I am launching my Creator Cafe at the beginning of Q4 - again another peak time at work.
I know what it’s like to be a busy mum which is why I put together this program to fit in the schedule of any busy mum.
All you need is the willingness to commit.
If you want to start making your first $ online, you need to:
1) Know which skill of yours you can make money from
2) Know how you can sell it
In 2-weeks of the Creator Cafe you will figure this out.
We will have 3 x 30 minute group calls each week for the first 2 weeks*.
These will be short and intense, packed with actions for you to tackle for yourself.
You will have another 6 weeks of support from me and the community to work through all the tasks, bounce ideas, and get feedback from other mums just like you.
There will be scheduled weekly check-ins during these 6 weeks, and the community support you need on your own time.
Everything will be recorded and yours for life so you can review it any time. And I am certain you will form some amazing friendships.
There are only 10 spots available in my first cohort, 4 of which are already taken.
Early bird pricing $111 ends tomorrow - midnight GST. That’s the cost of 2 pumpkin spice lattes a week. There is nothing to lose!
What are you waiting for?
Join the Creator Cafe, it will get you started to make your first $ online.
Once you make that, there is really no limit to what you can make.
As multi-passionate women and mothers, there will never be enough time to do everything we want to. If you want to do it, you just have to grab the opportunity by its horns and go for it.
I hope to see you in there.
Open to calls and discussions. Just reply to this and I will get straight back to you!
Abha x
*Times of the calls will depend on where everyone is based so that it can best accommodate everyone; I will reveal this closer to the launch.