WMW Issue #11: Becky Soltani, personal trainer, nutritionist, instructor; mum to a toddler
"No one knows your child like you do, listen to your intuition"
Today’s working mum wisdom is from a dear friend who I have known pre-marriage and pre-babies. I feel like we have seen each other transform from being single to being mothers, making our friendship quite strong.
It’s also been one of those unexpected friendships. I first met Becky as she taught a class I attended, which was so great that I kept going back. We got to know each other and just kept in touch ever since. Our kids play together now, which is so nice.
One thing I have always admired about Becky is how much she is focussed on self-development and growth, whether it is for her profession or for herself. She is always studying something or working on some course to better herself, which has not stopped even though she has full-time work as a personal trainer, is a part-time barre instructor, and has a toddler. It is truly inspiring. Surrounding yourself with people that inspire you does wonders for your own inspiration. You are average of 5 people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely :)
Without further ado: Meet Becky Soltani, personal trainer, nutritionist, instructor; mum to a 3-year old
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself
I have been a personal trainer (PT) for 18 years, and moved to Dubai from London 15 years ago. Within the health and fitness industry I have also evolved my role as a nutritionist and group exercise instructor.
I am currently teaching Barre with Barre Effect in Dubai. Previously I have also opened and managed both a boutique fitness studio and a gym facility. Whilst in Dubai, I met my husband and we now have a three year old son.
My personal interests; I love challenging the body: 4th Degree Karate Blackbelt and Ironman Triathlon are my toughest challenges to date. Since the birth of my son, my personal focus with fitness has been directed towards the gym and my yoga practice. Away from exercise, I love spending time with my family, studying and baking sourdough bread.
Q. You are a mum of a 3-year old, and a full time PT, also teaching group classes; how do you manage your time?
I make time to sit down with my weekly planner on a weekend and plan my schedule for the week ahead, with the aim to ensure that I balance my work, with family time and time to restore my energy; physically and mentally.
Q. What is your ultimate goal as a working mum?
To stay inspired and learning, to help inspire those I have contact with to be the best version of themselves in fitness, health and wellbeing. And to have the freedom in my days to share and enjoy time with my family.
Q. What is the biggest challenge you face as a working mum, and how are you trying to overcome it?
Managing the emotions of wanting to be ever-present whilst recognizing that it is also important for me to have my own career and interests. Meditation helps me manage and stay present to these emotions.
Q. Where do you get your inspiration?
Both my son and the memory of my grandmother. The memory of how active and strong she was, and how I would love to resemble her for my grandchildren if/when that time comes.
Q. What is your best productivity hack?
Having a weekly plan for my time, training and nutrition to ensure I honour my values. And my Oura ring which helps me track my sleep, menstrual cycles, recovery and biomarkers.
Q. What is your parenting mantra?
I love Brene Brown's Parenting Manifesto, you can find it here.
Q. What do you do in your 'me-time' and how does it help you?
I like to incorporate some self care with a yoga class and/or massage. Not only does this help keep my muscles relaxed and strong, but gives me opportunity to slow down and calm the mind.
Q. Did becoming a mother change the way you think about work? How so?
Yes, it reminded me how valuable our time is and helped me ensure I was doing work which I am passionate about, and working with people who value my input.
Q. What are your biggest learnings?
To show up and be the best version of myself for my family it is important to take care of myself. I prioritize quality sleep, nourishing my body and a flexible training structure to maximize longevity.
Q. What is your advice to mums looking to start working again?
This may bring up emotions around taking time away and placing your children in someone else’s care whilst you work, this is very normal. Talk to your other mum friends pr spouse about how you are feeling and ask for help and guidance if needed.
Q. Favourite tool that makes your life easier?
I have a few! The freezer, the Instant Pot and food processor for making and storing my sons meals and snacks. Grocery Delivery Apps (Eg. Kibsons & Instashop) have been a huge timesaver.
Q. Parenting advice that was a game changer for you?
No one knows your child like you do, listen to your intuition. Whilst books and resources can be super helpful with offering insights / advice / methodologies, sometimes what they offer will not suit your way of parenting.
Q. Favourite quote
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?” Marianne Williamson
Q. Best thing you have read or watched lately
I have just completed the “Women Are Not Small Men” course by Dr Stacy Simms highlighting the training adaptations for females, and through the different phases of our lives; Puberty, Reproductive Years, Post-partum, Peri-Menopause and Menopause.
You can find out more on her Tedx Talk here.
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If you have any questions or comments for Becky, do leave a comment here or hit reply and I will make sure she gets your message.
Have a great week!