WMW #5: Cécile Rousseau, mum of 3, entrepreneur, kids yoga teacher
"Being a working mum requires as much commitment in your work as at home"
In these tragic times, it’s hard not to feel down. There is no escaping news or posts from what seems like an ugly political game that is causing civilians immense and irreversible suffering.
My thoughts are with everyone going through hardship right now.
Let's not take for granted how lucky we are to be getting on with things in our safe bubbles.
If you have positive energy in you, let it spread. There is enough anguish everywhere. Smile, share, help, love, and contribute to your immediate community.
Consume what inspires you. Try not to “doom scroll” yourself to despair.
If you are a creator, create and share your inspiration.
On that note, here’s a bit of inspiration for the day from a working mum. Cecile found me through another mum and I’m so glad she connected with me. I hope we can meet some day!
Meet Cécile Rousseau, mum of 3, entrepreneur, kids yoga teacher
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself
I’m a mum to 3 little girls (Louise, 8; Anna, 6; and Julie, 2 years old), I am French and have travelled a lot since I was born as my parents were expats since I was 2-years old. This is what brought me to love travelling so much, discovering other cultures and talking to every new person I meet. I especially enjoy being with kids, I find them so interesting and their innocence makes them adorable. I love to have fun and laugh, be surrounded by my friends, my kids and my husband, I definitely need other people to entertain me and make me feel happy!
Q. You are a mum to 3 girls, founder of My Joli Bump, and now working on a yoga programme for kids? How do you do it all?!
I realised I wanted to do too many things at the same time and obviously could not enjoy it as much as I would like to. So I have taken a big decision for my first company (My Joli Bump) to find a partner and split the work! My intention is now to work on My Joli Bump every morning, and give a few yoga classes for kids in the afternoons. Hopefully I can manage to spend quality time with my children the rest of the time.
Q. What is your ultimate goal as a working mum?
I hope to find satisfaction in my work while still having some “me” time doing my own yoga practice in the morning, having time also to spend with my good friends, and of course, quality time with my children…without forgetting my hubby! Well, this looks like a big feat but if I manage to reach that goal, I will be fully accomplished! I just need to be a bit more organised, and this is one of my 2022 intentions 😉
Q. Where do you get your inspiration?
From the people I meet and I am surrounded by: my friends, my family, people I meet when travelling. There is not a day I spend without talking to someone who gives me food for thought.
Q. What is your best productivity hack?
Learning to say “no” to the right person and at the right time. You recently wrote an article where you describe that very well:
“Saying no to others to create more time for myself. “Outside of work, since I’ve had kids, saying no comes easily to me because I am genuinely so time poor. However, I need to learn to say no to many things I ask of myself so I can really hone into what I say yes to.” A good friend of mine once said to me, every decision is a sacrifice. In other words, saying no to one thing is saying yes to something else. Once you process this, the decisions you need to take become clearer.”
(Thank you for referencing me :)
Q. What is your parenting mantra?
I am in the same team as my kids. I want my children to see me as an ally, and never as an adversary. Making them feel that we are part of the same team hopefully means to them that we are all equals in our family and that they can rely on me.
Q. What do you do in your “me-time” and how does it help you?
I try to go twice a week to a yoga class. I usually start the day with a short practice, and it helps me focus on the moment and enjoy that time for myself, being present. It helps me for the rest of the day, whatever this day turns to be because I am always grateful for being able to have this peaceful moment.
Q. Did becoming a mother change the way you think about work? How so?
I think that as a mum you have to face challenges more often than anyone else, at work and at home. You want to be good in your professional environment, and you want to be there for your children.
Being a working mum requires as much commitment in your work as at home, a very difficult challenge that I am still trying to work out.
Q. What inspired the launch of My Joli Bump?
I am a firm believer that living in a way that protects the Earth can make our everyday life better. When I was pregnant, I always struggled to find quality, fashionable and reasonably-priced maternity clothes. Therefore, I combined my wishes, and launched an eco-friendly service to suit a community of mums just like me.
Q. What were your biggest learnings?
My two biggest learnings are:
Work hard but don’t forget to have fun. I chose what I do for work and I must not forget that I did it to enjoy what I am doing.
There is no too large or too small a task for the founder. I have to adapt, adjust, create and innovate. So sometimes I find myself washing and ironing clothes from my clients while the next day I will have to be the one taking an important financial decision.
Q. What's it like being a mumpreneur?
I feel really lucky to be able to be a mumpreneur as it offers you a chance to manage your time and to work in something you enjoy. I find that entrepreneurship suits me the most so far.
Q. What is your advice to new mums looking to start working again?
Don’t wait things to be perfect before starting what you really will for.
Q. Favourite tool that makes your life easier?
An agenda on paper! I need to write down things where I can see these things to have a clear mind.
Q. Parenting book / advice that was a game changer for you?
“Happy parents make happy kids” (it is a French blog but the title says it all)
Q. Favourite quote
“Invest in yourself, it pays the best interest”
Q. Best thing you have read or watched lately
The books I read are mainly from French authors. Since I live in Dubai I really need to stay connected to my native language and it’s really hard and not natural for me to read in English (watching a movie is different though).
At the moment I am very much into self-inquiry readings and the last book I’ve been reading explains that all our sorrows and feelings have a meaning and are often the cause of our loss of energy. Through some methods given by the author, you can manage to free yourself from some emotional burden, regain your energy and therefore life potential. The book is amazing. (By Natacha Calastrémé “La Clé de votre énergie” = The key to your energy)
I hope you enjoyed these nuggets from Cecile! If you liked what you read, please share!
If you want to connect with Cecile, please comment below and I will make sure she gets your message.
I wish you all a wonderful week x