Tips for working on a side project with kids and a full time job
A few things that have helped me manage my time
I often get asked, with a full time job and 2 toddlers, how do I manage to work on this newsletter?
At the moment, this newsletter is a ‘side-hustle’ that I enjoy and find tremendously rewarding.
I’m bringing together mums like you who want to find a way to work and make money, while managing their own time and doing something they love.
It’s a personal mission of mine to make this happen for me. And, with 17 years of experience working online and a keen eye on future technology, I know I can help other mums too.
The ultimate ‘freedom’ of time and money that the creator economy promises is a strong motivator for me. I feel that if I want to make this happen, it’s really now or never.
There will never be a good time. There will never be a better time.
To make this happen while having a full time job and two toddlers, there are a few things I do that have helped me move the needle on this project.
Tips for working on a side project with kids and a full time job:
1) Have clear milestones: I have set clear milestones for myself for this year. For example:
I want this newsletter to have 1000 subscribers by the end of the year.
I want to make my first $ with this project this year
By setting these milestones and having weekly check-ins with myself, my to do list becomes very clear, and I work backwards from there.
Set your own goals and milestones. If you don’t know where you are going, no road will take you there.
If you are not sure what these are just yet, start with writing down what you want over the next 5 years, and work backwards from there.
2) Clear to do list: Based on these milestones, I create my weekly to do list. I define clearly the tasks I need to accomplish to help me move towards my milestones. There are must-do’s for the week, and ‘do when I have time’ -and I put a maximum deadline on those. For example:
Must dos August 15-21:
Write newsletter
Write social media content for the week
Connect with 4 other newsletters for potential cross promotion
Email xyz for an interview opportunity
Get feedback mechanism set-up on my new email course
Do asap (by August 31):
Listen to podcast on building a strong community
Explore AI tool to write faster:
Sign up for being an affiliate with Visme and Canva (my favourite online tools to design and create - they are just superb)
Explore potential of live-webinar on creator economy
These lists help me have tunnel vision when sit down to work this.
My time is limited, so if I don’t get all the must do’s done, I will not move forward. These then become my non-negotiables.
What actions do you need to take to move towards your goals? List them down in order of priority, and start working on them.
3) Block time: With a full time job and two small kids, this is crucial.
For example: I use my lunch break at work to plan things. I write on Sunday evenings. Monday evenings I plan my social media content for the week. Tuesday’s and Thursday evenings after the kids are asleep, I work on other things on my to do list. Wednesday and Friday’s are open for my interviews with mums, growth tasks, my coaching. Saturday is a day off.
When a social event arises, I use this time-table to decide if I can go, and when I can go. Usually it happens that I don’t go, as it doesn’t fit into my priorities. Every decision is a sacrifice of something. Since my goals are so clear, it’s quite easy for me to say no - however it did take some time to get there.
Decide what time you can block off every week for your personal goals, and then brutally stick to it. It’s more a matter of discipline than anything else.
4) Being intentional with time: The above 3 points really help me be intentional with my time as it is so limited. They stop me from faffing around and consuming unnecessary content (aka mindless scrolling) when I sit down to work on my list.
The time you choose to block off, make sure it’s action oriented. Nothing happens without taking action.
5) Having everything in one place: Using Notion, an all-in-one cloud dashboard where I store all my ideas, content, planning, thoughts, goals, status, resources and tools - has been a game changer for me. I can access it from anywhere, and it keeps everything neatly organised in one place. I no longer have to worry about having that one notebook (and a pen!) with me all the time, or losing ideas and notes.
Find a tool that works for you (even if it’s a notebook!) that will help you keep all your ideas, plans and progress in one place.
By doing the above, I manage to work on this project for about 12-15 hours a week. Using the below tools have also helped me gain these hours to work on my project!
Everything is possible. We just need to decide that we want to do it.
Have a great week.
Abha x
If you are a mum looking to start something that will:
Help you make money
Help you be your own boss one day
Give you the freedom of managing your own time
The creator economy is for you.
More proof of success in the creator economy: Mum of 2 makes $100,000/ MONTH teaching you how to get your toddlers to sleep
If you need more convincing, check out this case study of a mum of two and her online business that teaches how to get your toddlers to sleep. (I found her as I was looking for sleep solutions for my kids, and was amazed with her story!)
If you want to know more about the creator economy and the potential it has for mums, get my free Creator Economy 101 guide: The creator path to time freedom and financial independence for mums:
If you feel that the creator economy is for you and your want to get started, check out my free email course on how to begin: 5-Step blueprint on starting a business you love with the skills you have
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*This post contains some affiliate links which means that if you make a purchase from any of them, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only share products, tools and solutions I truly believe in.