The incredible value of investing in a coach
Being open to getting a boost from someone else can do wonders.
Two wonderful babies later, I needed to rediscover myself not only as a new mother, but as a woman with limitless aspirations.
When your time and bandwidth are limited, it’s easy for your own journey to stall. Despite trying my best, I felt a bit stuck. I had plateaued in my fitness journey. My intellectual motivation was non-existent. I was operating on auto-pilot. I needed something to boost my metabolism and re-energize my brain.
Aware of how I was feeling, I decided to get some support from a fitness coach to build back my strength, and a business coach to reignite my mind.
This is what I did and how it has helped:
Investing in a fitness coach for accountability: I’m quite good at showing up to exercise. So, why wasn’t I seeing the results I wanted to? I decided to work with a fitness coach to figure it out. I found Jennifer Chalouhi, 46 and a mum of three teenagers, online. She is in incredible shape and her energy is contagious. She has tailor made me a fitness and nutrition plan and checks in on me everyday. Daily accountability to her has been a game changer for me and in four short weeks I have seen amazing results.
Investing in a wealth mindset coach: This may sound a bit ‘woo woo’ but working with Jess Glazer in her latest programme Wealth Codes, has helped me understand how I feel about money and what I want to manifest as my ‘wealth’ moving forward. Jess Glazer is an elementary teacher turned multi-million-dollar business coach who has changed the way I look at what I want to achieve. She has really made me feel like the sky is the limit and everyone can fly!
Investing in digital business coaches: I can help anyone with their digital strategy, however when it comes to upskilling and working on something for myself, I’ve been totally lost. Always having been in the service industry, it’s never been about me. So refocusing on me, and my growth goals with the help of someone who is wildly successful has been so compelling, it has made me realize how much there is yet to learn about the digital space, despite working in it for 16 years!
I am talking courses by:
Amy Porterfield, an online business coach who has generated over $40 million from 8 digital courses.
Suzi Whitford from Start a Mom Blog’s who has aced the game as she makes over $30,000 per month doing what she loves from the comfort of her home, despite having two small kids and a third on the way. Not long ago, her husband retired and joined her business too! I am actually enrolled in 5 of her courses and they are SO good (Course by Number and Printables by Number are my favourite!*) Suzi and her husband are both so humble, yet motivating and really good teachers. They genuinely want to share everything they know so that you can benefit, like they have.
Whatever stage of life you are at, it’s quite easy to stagnate. Being aware of it and being open to getting a boost from someone else can do wonders.
(*These are affiliate links, which means that if you sign up to these courses from those links I may get a small commission, at no additional cost to you)