The easiest and fastest way to start your business
Many of you are here to discover a way to grow with your professional ambitions and better design your life, while being the best mum you can.
You want to work doing something you love and make money, yet have the time flexibility for yourself and to be a mum.
You don't want to miss out on your kids events. You don't want to be exhausted doing it all.
You want to have time for yourself so you can be the best version of you.
This is the entire purpose of my Working Mums Club newsletter and why I started it. As a mum of 2 small toddlers it is my own personal goal too.
I needed to find something where I can use my skills and make them of value to others so that they can benefit, and I can make money from it.
My goal is to be able to make at least the same amount of money I make in my job, and then more, doing something I love whilst still being around for my kids.
If you have been thinking of starting your own business with the same goal, but haven’t had the time, bandwidth or guidance to move forward, the Creator Cafe I've launched is for you.
In only 2 weeks, the Creator Cafe community will help you:
Identify a skill you can make money from online
Determine how you can sell it
It takes a lot of time and energy to research how to get started and what you can do to move the needle quickly.
Google is great but there is so much noise and a lot of scam.
You could get a coach or mentor, however it is a long term commitment and expensive.
The good news is, I have done it ALL over the last 2 years and I want to share everything I have learned with you.
I have invested a lot (maybe more than a lot!) of money doing numerous courses from 6-7-8 figure leaders in this space and paying to be in their communities.
I also have a 1:1 business coach who supports my journey, and I have spent hours learning, compiling and curating the knowledge I have acquired.
Combining that with the 17 years of experience I have writing professionally and working in digital communications has made processing and packaging all the knowledge I have easy for me.
The Creator Cafe Community is a channel for me to share it all with you and ensures that you get only the best and most relevant information to start your journey, depending on where you are at.
If you have an idea and just need to solidify it and work out how to sell it, being part of the Creator Cafe community will establish that.
If you have many ideas and want to pick 1 and figure out what you can do with it and quickly, this community will get you there
If you don’t have an idea but really want to figure out one that will be best for you, this community will help you work it out.
All of this will be done in just 2 weeks.
It’s taken me 2 years to do it. I’m collapsing your time by helping you do it in 2 weeks.
So in a nutshell, by joining the Creator Cafe:
It’s 2 weeks of showing up on a few calls with me (recordings available)
Followed by 6 weeks of community support of other mums for feedback and accountability
At a price equal to the cost of 3 Starbucks coffees per week.
Early bird is valid till September 13 - making it the cost of only 2 Starbucks coffees per week! (Only $111 for 8 weeks)
What are you waiting for? 🙂
Hit reply if you want to discuss and we can have a call to make sure it's the right use of your time.
Abha x