Some post holiday inspiration
Hi there!
We are back from 2 weeks in beautiful Scotland. The kids have had a great time getting pampered by their Granny, and we have been able to detach from work with lot’s of walks, fresh air and shortbread.
Breaks are so important to motivate you to get back to your routines and goals.
The role of planning and hard deadlines to keep momentum when on holiday
I launched my email course just before I went on holiday, purely because I knew that if I didn’t, I would likely lose my momentum while away.
Also, putting a hard deadline on creating it and getting it out helped me do just that, get it out.
I find that hard deadlines really help when you are short of time; they force you to be efficient and not worry too much about perfection.
If you have a bigger goal in mind, break it down to smaller milestones, and put hard deadlines on them. It’s the only way to move the needle.
Creator mum profile of the week: Polina Marinova Pompliano
I consume alot about the creator economy and creators, everyday. Perhaps too much (!). It excites and inspires me.
It also allows me to filter things and package only what is relevant, for you! :)
Polina is a writer, editor and journalist who quit her job at Fortune Magazine in 2020 to work full time on her newsletter, The Profile - a newsletter that features profiles of remarkable people as a means to learn from them.
Launched in 2017, her newsletter now has over 10,000 subscribers and thousands of paying subscribers, making it her primary source of income. She takes pride in being paid to read about inspiring people and write their stories.
Researching and storytelling are the skills she chose to nurture into a business of her dreams. She is now a media house by herself, spending time doing what she loves and making a good living from it.
The surge in popularity of newsletters, communities and platforms resulting from the birth of the creator economy is what has made this possible for Polina.
I’ve been following Polina for about 2 years now and am a paying subscriber of her newsletter. She is also the mum of a 7-month old baby. Everything she writes inspires me, and so does her business model.
You can read more about her here.
You can watch her latest interview on writing and growing a newsletter in the creator economy, here below.
Back to school sleep mission for our toddlers
I started writing this newsletter last night, sitting next to my children while they are sleeping in our bed. They keep waking up and cannot sleep without us around.
Although I love putting them to bed and being with them until they sleep; it often takes 1 - 1.5 hours each night making it an extremely inefficient use of time.
A big mission for us this term is getting our kids to sleep on their own and on time as they get ready to go back to school next week.
We found out about Jessica Burk, mum of two and her online business (Awesome Little Sleepers) that teaches you how to get your toddlers (2.5 years - 6 years) to sleep. I have signed up to learn about her method and I hope it will yield the results she promises.
She is another great example of a creator mum who earns $100,000 / month with this business. Yes, you read right - $100K / MONTH. Crazy though amazing, right? This could be you too :)
I will let you know how it goes. If you have any tips, please send them my way!
So, are you ready to get started? Get my email course!
If you want to learn how you could make money online from anything you are good at whilst managing your own time, my email course can help you get started.
Starting really is the hardest part.
I understand you are a busy mum with very little bandwidth outside the million things you are juggling. However, if you do want to explore starting your own thing, this email course will help you determine what that might mean for you.
The email course is 7 emails in 7 days that are short yet packed with insight and actionable points, written for busy mums like you with an itch to explore other options.
Each email will take no longer than 5 minutes of your time, and I promise you it will be worth it.
So if you haven’t already, do sign up below. It’s free and written for mums like you who don’t have the time to figure it all out by yourself.
Sign up here: Your 5-step blueprint to make money online
Have your idea already? Don’t sweat the small stuff
For those of you who already have an idea to start something and are buying a domain, or brainstorming the perfect name, or working on a website; what I have learnt in the last 2 years is that that is the least important thing to worry about when starting something.
When I started off, I bought 11 domains over 3 months. 1 year later, my idea is still evolving and I most likely will not use any of the domains I bought.
Focus on determining what value you can offer, and then start packaging that value. Website, domains, design, photography etc can come later once you have validated your idea.
Also know that your idea will evolve as you start working on it and many preconceived notions you may have will change.
For example, at the beginning of my journey, I was determined never to use Linktree - a site that allows you to put multiple links, under 1 link. I found it tacky and ‘unprofessional’. Now, after building a few things of value and not having a website ready, it’s the most practical thing for me to use.
So, don’t sweat the small stuff like the aesthetics of what you plan to offer. Focus on the value.
Live workshop?
I am planning to do a 1 hour workshop on one of the below.
Which one would you be most interested in?
And lastly, if you like what you read here, please do me a HUGE favour -please forward it to 1 person who might enjoy it too. It would really mean the world to me. Thank you <3
That’s all from me for now.
Have a great week!
Abha x