As I write this, I cannot believe that we have less than 100 days to go for 2022 to be over.
Where has this year gone? I say this every year (don’t we all!), but this year has really gone at lightening speed. It’s terrifying.
Next year I complete 10 years in my current job. A decade!
My kids, 4.5 and 2.5 years - are having grown up conversations with me about school, monsters, and their new obsession, He-Man and She-Ra. (Can you believe, they LOVE it!)
Evaluating my goals and keeping focus
I had a few goals to achieve by the end of 2022. Since we are not far from the end of the year, I felt it a good time to check in with my goals to evaluate them; and share some highs and lows of my journey so far.
So here is where I am:
Goal 1: To reach 1000 subscribers on Working Mums Club by the end of the year.
Where I am today: I am at 283.
I could spend money and get the number to a 1000, but my goal is to grow organically. I much rather have a community of mums really interested to be in my community (you!) , than have a bigger number that is less engaged.
However, it cannot be denied that growth is a key metric to evaluate continued interest in what you offer. If you are not growing steadily enough, them something is likely off.
Re-evaluating goal: Perhaps I need to reassess the value I can offer here, and refocus this goal to something more achievable.
Goal 2: To get my first set of free material out this year
I released a e-guide for mums about the creator economy and how they can benefit from it.
I also released my first email course for busy mums looking to get started with their online businesses. (woot! woot!). 37 of you have done this course and given me some great feedback that has given me more confidence to continue this path I have chosen, and also to make the course better.
Some snapshots from the feedback here.
If you’d like to check out my e-guide or email course, links are here.
So many learnings from putting your work out there. I consider this goal 100% achieved.
Goal 3: To launch my first digital course
My first live course starts next week (woot woot!) This is ready to go. If you have not yet signed up, there are still 2 days to register!
If you are looking to start something of your own online with a skill you already have, this live course will help you determine what skill you could monetize and how, alongside a community of mums in the same boat.
All details to sign up here. Registration closes September 28. We start October 3.
Next on my list is to put out a self-paced, recorded starter course via Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy that I finally enrolled in; still on track. This should be done by the end of the year to open doors for enrollment in January 2023. More on that, soooon!
Goal 4: To make $1000 online
I have made $850 via my side writing projects (hobby); and have sold 355 copies of my self-published book; 82 of which have been paid for.
However, the goal was to make $1000 via digital products I sell myself.
I am not at all on track here. I think this has been lack of optimum focus on moving the needle on this. Let’s see what I do about this.
On the other hand, I did get my “sole” business license, and finally have been able to set-up my Paypal and Stripe accounts. These are huge wins for me as they facilitate my ability to be paid for my services.
Goal 5: Stay up in a handstand for at least 15 seconds!
I have been working hard on my upper body strength, and my getting into handstand is much stronger, stable and controlled. I’m still struggling to stay up more than 5 seconds though.
There is lot’s to learn about consistency from practicing handstands. You can move forward very quickly if you are consistent in your practice; however, if you miss days in between, it’s shocking how quickly you go backwards.
Although I haven’t achieved everything I set-out to achieve, I have learnt SO much. About myself, about the future of business, about what’s possible.
I have worked on everything I talk about here while having a full-time job, without compromising on quality time with my family.
Taking the creator path is a time investment you can choose to make for your own growth and to open doors to a different future.
Things that are worth it, take time. And a whole lot of energy, determination and consistency. Consistency totally beats motivation.
I hope what I’ve shared here gives you an idea of my reality on this creator journey. I’ve always said it’s simple - yet not quick or easy :) I also hope it keeps you interested, curious and encouraged to pursue your own path, whatever that may be.
Thank you all for being on this journey with me. It’s just the beginning!