After a restful last week of December 2023, I have gone full throttle on my own projects this month.
It’s only January and I have:
Done a live workshop, recorded 2 podcasts, will be recording 2 more next month. (I will let you know when they are out!)
Connected with other mum communities in Dubai. I am presenting about AI at events for all of them; one tomorrow and 2 in the first week of February, and one in April!
Started building a new website. I’m moving from Wordpress to Squarespace, and I am loving how easy it is to build in Squarespace. (I have not outsourced anything, yet)
Connected with amazing people (mostly mums!) and I hope to bring their expertise and stories to you soon. There is so much we can learn from each other!
Written 2 journalistic stories that will cover my costs for January.
Shown up on Instagram with a video post a few times a week.
Enrolled in an online ads camp, an affiliate marketing camp and an AI camp.
Planned my Youtube channel launch for the second week of February!
I’m listing all this because I cannot believe that when you change your focus to what you really want to do, the momentum that comes with it is incredible. I am literally just going for it!
However, that comes with it’s own challenges and I am working a lot on my mindset to make some fundamental shifts. Especially my money mindset.
One of the challenges I had last year after I left my job in June 2023, was that I took on a lot of freelance work. It was great and I worked on some fantastic projects with incredible people. However, it took away from building my own work.
I think I needed to do that though, as I struggle with not having a stable income and easily get into the mindset of scarcity and lack. Freelancing straight after quitting a corporate job gave me the so called ‘validation’ I needed that I can still be ‘in the game’ on my own terms.
This is the mindset I am working on changing.
It’s okay to invest in yourself when you are building your dream life. It’s the price you pay to build that life. Money and time are in abundance.
The world is changing at an unprecedented rate. The long term goal is to not rely on ‘getting’ work, but to be doing my own work that generates substantial income. Now is the time to ‘own my own career’, as Amanda Goetz says in her newsletter.
For those of you reading my newsletter for a while, my goal since I launched it has been to find a way to redesign my life so that I can have a career doing something I enjoy, whilst still making a significant amount of money and having time to spend with the family.
Time and financial abundance. That is the dream, and I am on the pathway.
Optimistically, I’d like this to happen by the end of this year. Realistically, I think I will need about 2-3 years :) Maybe that’s too optimistic too. But hey, I love the energy that comes from optimism. I guess we will find out.
For the dream to come true, I need multiple streams of income.
This is where I am at with them at the moment:
About 2 years ago I started building my community with this newsletter, and you came into my world :) 828 of you to this date. (woo hoo!)
About 2 years ago, I also started experimenting with e-book publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing. I have made $160 in royalties so far.
I have been experimenting with affiliate marketing. Roughly I have made about $155. I do not have a good system in place at the moment, but the priority is to streamline this, this year.
Last September I started with my first one: an online course. I have done 2 live workshops to date, made about $2449.
Last December I experimented with another: Printables. I made $23 :D
“If you can make $1000 online - you can make $100,000 online”
Let’s say I have had a lick of what’s possible to do online. All of this needs to be ramped up 10 fold. However, it’s really given me the confidence, motivation and grit I need to press on with it. They say, if you can make $1000 online - you can make $100,000 online. The only thing stopping you, is you!
Can you relate?
If any of you are also looking to find a way to redesign your life so that your work revolves around your life (not the other way around), you are in the right place.
If you want to be inspired by other mums, on their journey towards the same, you are in the right place.
If you want to get your head around this alien thing called AI, you are in the right place.
And, thank you for being here!
How can I support you better?
I really want to make sure I am giving you as much value as possible in this newsletter. I am evaluating my systems and platforms and what content I share here so that everything aligns. I want to make sure it’s what you are looking for.
If can please take 1 minute to answer this survey, it would mean the world to me!
That’s all for now.
All my love,
Abha x