Learn how to earn an income from your talent
Sign up for a free 'Talent to Money' Summit on June 7-8
Not long ago I wrote a post where I asked the question, what would you do if you lost your job? Do you have a plan B?
As working mums with bills to pay and a looming recession, there seems so much pressure to answer this question.
The more I pondered, the more I realized that I have no freakin’ clue.
With my mind racing 1000 miles per hour, and ideas pouring out, though totally incoherent, I decided I needed guidance to help me pave my path.
I’m 42 years old. It’s now or never.
And so I found Ellen Donnelly at The Ask. I have been reading her newsletter for a while and her writing has always resonated.
Still not quite sure, I decided to have a discovery call with her to get some clarity. It was so good to be talking to someone who can hear me through my waffle.
I’m so happy to tell you that I have been working with Ellen for over 2 months now and I am delighted about how much the noise in my head has reduced. This is progress!
I tell you this because if you are in a similar situation to me, Ellen is running a free global virtual summit called ‘Talent to Money’ on June 7-8 for anybody aspiring to start a business they love.
If you have a business idea that you want to explore, the Summit will help you answer the hardest question of all: Where to start?
Learning how to make money from our ideas is not just nice-to-have, but a vital skill, necessary for building agility, resilience, stability and growth, in a world plagued by uncertainty.
This is the first and ONLY time attendees will get access to the fundamental and effective process for going from confused to certain, and idea to income. And it’s FREE!
The summit is 100% online, and if you miss any sessions, replays will be sent that you can access for a limited time.
Grab a ticket here before they go: https://bit.ly/t2m-sharinglink-creators
Feel free to connect with me anytime if you have any questions! Or connect directly with Ellen on twitter @EllenKDonnelly or Instagram @EllenKDonnelly
Cheers to our future, let the journey begin!
Have a great week.