2 weeks ago I wrote about how I was attempting to structure my work day with the kids at home, whilst in India.
I shared my ‘planned’ coping mechanics that would enable me to execute my work-from-home plan, but truth is, my tactics did not last long.
Ever since we have come back to Dubai, I am getting stuff done, but not efficiently.
Between building my own work, being a driver, wanting to spend time with my kids in summer, errands and paperwork, wanting to exercise, catch up with close friends, get some time with my husband — any sort of “structure” I had in my mind has become non-existent, leaving me feeling scattered and not truly present in anything.
Although I have been feeling ‘busy’ and ‘working’ all the time, the needle hasn’t been moving forward like I’d like it to, and I’m ending up coming back to my computer at all odd hours.
How am I not able to plan my day better!?
After a good cry and chat with my husband, who rightly said to me, ‘if you want to get your work done, you need to treat it like a job and be disciplined about it. Would you go for a catch up with a friend or hair cut in the middle of the day when you had a job?’.
No, I wouldn’t.
So, as I discover my own structure in this new phase of ‘time freedom’ that I have, here is my current way forward:
Non-negotiable blocked work time: Every morning 9-2pm while the kids are out is my work time. It’s when I need to get the bulk of my work done; prioritizing the projects that are currently paying. Left over time is for the personal projects I am building. Phone is on silent. No messages or calls to be taken.
Meetings / calls only in the afternoons: I’m keeping 2 days a week in the afternoons when I schedule work calls or meetings.
Engagement and emails: Afternoons when I don’t have any calls are for personal project emails and social media engagement (linkedin / twitter / instagram). I am limiting this to 1 x hour.
Growth and learning: This is also scheduled for the afternoons. If I finish my ‘work’ in the mornings before 2, the rest of the time is growth and learning.
Tools to help
I am playing with Clockify and Pomofocus to time my work and help me focus on getting tasks done.
The tools should help me keep track of how much time I’m spending on what tasks, and eliminate procrastination as I am on a clock. Let’s see if it works.
#OwnYourFuture Challenge
Since now I can carve out some time to learn and be inspired, I have signed up to a free challenge with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi.
Both Tony and Dean are known for training on transformation, fulfillment, and achieving success outside traditional paths.
They always drive hard the message to stop living by everyone else’s rules and start living on our own terms.
Their sell for this challenge is:
“Get the exact 5-step blueprint to not just survive in a world filled with uncertainty, but to thrive in your career, impact lives and secure your future.”
It hit home and I signed up, so have over 610,000 people! The timing is right.
If this is something that interests you, sign up here: ownyourfuturechallenge.com
That’s all for this week. We travel to Scotland the coming weekend, so my next letter will be from there!
Have a great one.
Abha x