Do you pay attention to the power of your vibe?
It determines what you attract, and what you manifest
I have always been a believer in the power of the universe. That there is some universal energy out there, bigger than us, that influences what happens to us. I also believe that we have the power to impact this energy. Paying attention to this magnificent tool we have within us can help change what we receive, and how we live on a daily basis.
I’ve been reveling in this mindset for a while now as I feel myself in a high vibration lately, despite being exhausted with a full-time job and two small kids. I have become particularly aware of my vibe, and how when my vibe is positive, everything around me feels positive, helping me have a greatly positive day!
Sounds a bit woo woo, right? Let me try to explain. Your vibration is your state of being; the energy you give out. Maybe you have been to an event where someone walks into the room and his or her energy is magnetic. Or maybe you are in a meeting, and someone in the room has negative energy that immediately brings you down. Maybe you were in a good mood and then you met someone who was in a low vibration, and your mood went a bit flat. In other words, you can be influenced by someone else’s vibration, and your vibration determines what you attract.
Everything vibrates; everything moves. We are a mass of living energy and we function on frequencies. If you have done any kind of meditation, you will be familiar with this concept, as you focus on the sensations created by your energy when you meditate. Similar to the Law of Attraction, the Law of Vibration, is the second of the 12 Universal Laws of Nature. The Law of Attraction starts with the Law of Vibration.
“Good vibes only”, this phrase so commonly seen in cafes, yoga studios, on t-shirts, as people’s whatsapp status; is a simple play on this. In these Covid times with bad news flooding all around us, it is more important now than ever to focus on your own ‘vibe’, and how you can make it positive. In Einstein’s words, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
I am no spiritual expert, nor have I studied this in any depth, but I have realized that are a few things that are helping me keep my positive energy:
Being grateful: It is so easy to forget what we have, and to take a moment to appreciate it. Gratitude is a super powerful force towards staying positive.
Not complaining: When tired, or frustrated, we often resort to complaining. What we don’t realize is that the process of complaining is so draining, your energy would be better spent finding a solution instead, or just letting go.
Refusing to be a victim of my situation: “I am a full-time working mum of two kids, house to manage, dinner to think about blah blah there is no time for myself, oh poor me.” And what? Nothing. Victimizing yourself is an escapist way to manage things. You get to choose how you want to be. Choose not to be a victim. We get to choose.
Staying away from people with a negative vibe: There is no value in spending your time with people who are focus on negative thoughts. They are easily transmittable and there should be no space for it in your life.
Getting enough sleep: When I manage to sleep 7-8 hours at night, even if not at a stretch, I feel like a million dollars the next day. Get in the sleep. Turn off your lights at 10pm.
Eating wholesome food: A clean, non-processed, whole-food meal can change everything about how you are feeling in that moment. It is like medicine for the soul.
Move your body: Moving your body not only gives you endorphins that make you feel amazing, but it can help you shake off any bad flows you might be holding on to.
As working mums, we have so much on our plate. A good vibe can really help us get through things so much better, and in turn make space for more things.
If this interests you, some people worth checking out include Abraham Hicks, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and here is a great one-hour lesson from Bob Proctor on the Law of Vibration, well worth the time.
If you can think it, you can have it. We have infinite potential locked inside of us. Manage your vibe. Unpack all your potential.
Something to ponder this weekend.
Wonderful read…. Happiness is all about ‘positive vibes’…. then more positive energy you exuberate …. the more you will attract in your way!
Thanks Abha, this really resonates with me. Are you familiar with the work of Eileen Mckusick? She founded Biofield Tuning, using tuning forks to clear stuck energy in our bodies. She has an interesting view about vibes : that what really counts is not so much high or low vibration, but coherence. We need to vibrate coherently as us. Highs and lows will inevitably be part of our overall vibration, the lows keeping us grounded.. love your writing, Sara D